About Japan Natural & Naturopathic Medicine Society
Professional association for natural medicine and alternative medicine therapies
Professional association for natural medicine and alternative medicine therapies
About Us
We are one with the world's professional organizations.
Japan alone, which is not self-reliant, will not make any progress.
World Academy of Natural Medicine
WNF (World Naturopathic Federation) Member
WONM (World Organization Natural Medicine) Therapy Educational Institute
(United Nations Academic Impact Member) Member
ICNM(International Natural & Naturopathic Medicine/Therapeutic International Conference, conference presentation, educational institution ) Membership
IAMA(International Alternative Medicine Association) Educational Organization Member
IHNMA(WHF)World Health Federation Member
UIA (International Traditional Medicine) Membership
A4HP(Alliance for Health Promotion) Membership

UN-NGO (Non-Profit Organization) International Career Support Association Insutitute
International Career Support Association Insutitute
Japan Naturopathy & Naturopathic Doctors Medicine Society
Non-profit model general incorporated association
Japan Naturopathy & Naturopathic Doctors Medicine Society is the natural medicine career development arm of the United Nations NGO (non-profit model general incorporated association) International Career Support Association.
JNMS-Med is a UN NGO (Insutitute) Health Care Career Formation Division of the International Career Support Association.
We operate the Japanese Society of Natural Medicine and the World College of Natural Medicine in Japan in accordance with Goals 3, 4, 5, 9, 10 and 17 of the UN Agenda 2030. We need you, Japanese people, to help us achieve these goals together.
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We have presented statements to the UN Human Rights Council more than 35 times in a row. We have been sending out correct information to the world for the honor of the Japanese people, and now we may send out the actual situation of the Japanese nation in international forums.
Organizations / organizations (including public sector) Click here for consultation on human rights violations and human rights issues due to the sympathetic pressure peculiar to Japanese people (regardless of nationality)
Charter of the United Nations:Human rights and fundamental freedoms rights
Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
Report about violations.
Consultations are available here (regardless of nationality)

"The doctor of the future will not give his patients drugs, but will make them interested in taking care of their own bodies in proper diet and in the causes and prevention of disease."
Thomas Edison.
The 21st century is an era of highly diversified medicine.
( de jure standard )
The 21st century is the era of highly diversified medical care (The era of the same de jure standard)
Japan is an insurance coverage for all people with allopathic care only.
It is contrary to international rules to monopolize the people's insurance in a single medical system in Japan's health system. In Europe and the United States, allopathy, naturopathy, osteopathy, psychopathy (psychotherapy), homeopathy medical system are established and specialized educational institutions are established.
There are more than a dozen kinds of education systems in the world medical treatment, including traditional medicine in each country.
Japanese medicine has only reverse symptomatic therapy Allopathy medicine derived education. Since other therapy is interpreted as pseudo-medicine, he continues medical treatment of the 20th century which is not medical system by various medical education like Western countries because it is interpreted as pseudo medicine. If Japan wishes to be recognized as a developed country based on fundamental freedom and human rights in the future, it is no other choice but to change to a medical system in line with the times.
Integrative medicine in Japan.
Conventional medicine and therapy integrating complementary (complementary) and alternative therapy which has high quality evidence about safety and efficacy
Our association supports the promotion of international integrative medicine.
de jure standard :Differences between Japanese and international standards
Integrative medicine is an approach to care that puts the patient at the center and addresses the full range of physical, emotional, mental, social, spiritual and environmental influences that affect a person’s health. Employing a personalized strategy that considers the patient’s unique conditions, needs and circumstances, it uses the most appropriate interventions from an array of scientific disciplines to heal illness and disease and help people regain and maintain optimum health.
In Europe and the United States, allopathy, naturopathy, osteopathy, psychopathy (psychotherapy), homeopathy medical system are established and specialized educational institutions are established.
There are more than a dozen kinds of education systems in the world medical treatment, including traditional medicine in each country.
Japanese medicine has only reverse symptomatic therapy Allopathy medicine derived education. Because other therapy is interpreted as pseudo medical, it is not becoming medical based on education such as Europe and the United States, and it is in a state attached to 20th century type medical care until it collapses.
⊛ In the case of Japan, the current situation is that people will be bedridden for 20 years out of 100.
About the W.H.O Alma Mater Declaration: Declaration on the Liberalization of Primary Health Care
The Alma-Ata Declaration defines its strategy as ”Health for All by 2000 A.D.” through primary health care.This is in pursuance of the aims declared at the WHO/UNICEF sponsored conference at Alma-Ata, USSR.Primary health care has been described as “essential health care based on practical, scientifically sound and socially accepted methods and technology made universally accessible to individuals and families in the community through their full participation and at a cost that a community and a country can afford to maintain at every stage of their development in the spirit of self-reliance and self determination.”
WHO Strategic Plan on Traditional Medicine 2014-2023
Traditional,complementary and alternative medicine
World Health Organization (WHO) recently updated the objectives of the Traditional Medicine Programme in order to meet the new demand of T&CM practices and practitioners, and in response to Resolution WHA62.13 on TM. The WHO Traditional Medicine Strategy 2014-2023 will help health care leaders to develop solutions that contribute to a broader vision of improved health and patient autonomy.
Access to WHO's Traditional Medicine Strategy 2014-2023
Access the WHO Traditional Medicine Strategy 2014-2023 here.
Transformation into 21st century healthcare (The world is changing at a rapid pace.)
It seems that today's medical science does not meet the needs or desires of people.
Improving lifestyle and diet is clear evidence.
Individuals need to pay for living with consumption life, stress, environmental pollution (increase of allergy of environmental factors), dependent substances etc.
Allergies erode children, bacteria start to endure antibiotics, viruses appear one after another.
Several new diseases will appear when your body is deprived of natural defenses.
There is a treatment area that can be used supplementarily and intentionally to correct symptoms for this imbalance.
Natural medicine has simplicity, efficacy, and the philosophy of the person himself, and it reflects attractively.
Today, people are taking care of themselves on TV, books, and the net, recognizing themselves and increasingly wanting to actively participate in health and health measures for their treatment or prevention.
About health About doctor philosopher Hippocrates said "All diseases are the result of our lifestyle."
People are dieting and exercising as well as living space, work, emotional ups and downs, thoughts, spiritual beliefs and lifestyle habits.
In naturopathy, attempts to maintain their healthy diet, important physical health can be in vain if they are not working on the defensive side of the body. This effect is diluted by not following the rules of nature.
People greatly contribute to the smooth functioning of their bodies through will, power and heart (intellect, emotions, belief).
Nutritional imbalances indicate contamination of material bodies.
Emotional bodies due to suppressed emotions affect material bodies.
It is possible to improve by himself / herself realizing their own responsibility about their own physical shortage.
It is possible to improve the situation if teaching rules of life, giving that way.
It means that we take care of ourselves.
"Active sick people" are wise people who cause their recovery or maintain their own health.
Natural therapy is a good example of preventive medicine.
Grasp the condition of the whole body and evaluate the condition. Then explain to the patient and tell the patient.
Natural medicine pros as consultation, education, improvement proposal,
Through an educational approach that considers changing the habit of the patient himself / herself, suggesting that natural treatment is aware of the fact that the body's return is accelerated. People bring out solutions within themselves. There is natural medicine of the world standard.
1.Cooperation of the Japanese Society of Natural Medicine with the WNF and ICNM
WNF(world naturopathic federation)、 ICNM(International Congress on Naturopathic Medicine):Our organization is a member of this group. Over 180 affiliated organizations worldwide
1. Cooperation between Japan Nature Medical Association and WNF and ICNM
WNF (world naturopathic federation), ICNM (International Congress on Naturopathic Medicine): International Nature Medical Association Organization Representative Conference and Association (It is also a postgraduate educational institution.) This group is this member.
2.Cooperation between Japan Nature Medical Association and WONM
We established the Japan Natural Medical Association from an international, humanitarian, nonprofit standpoint.
We are also cooperating with WONM (World Natural Medical Organization).
WONM (World Natural Medicine Organization) is an international, politically and religiously neutral humanitarian assistance NGO (Organization for NGO) that follows the flow of the Knights of Hospital and declares WHO Alma Ata (primary medical care The Declaration of Liberalization of Liberty) was adopted.
The WONM Education Department is a member of the UN Academic Impact.
3.Cooperation between Japan Natural Medical Association and WHF and IHNMA
We will expand our cooperative relationship not only in Japan but throughout Asia and the Pacific and Africa and will spread the waves of new Japanese natural medicine in Europe, North and South America. I am participating in a new organization WHF for the world to that end.
3.Cooperation of the Japanese Society of Natural Medicine with AHP and IAMA
We will expand our cooperation not only with natural medicine and therapy, but also with alternative medicine and new systematic medicine, and spread the new wave of Japanese natural medicine to Europe and North and South America. We participate in AHP and IAMA for this purpose.
4.Past activities of the Japanese Society of Natural Medicine
The Japan Naturopathic Medicine Society was launched in 2012 as a non-profit organization.
English name: Japan Naturopathic Medicine Society
2013: The International Society for Natural Medicine General Meeting Seminar and the 1st Japan Society for Natural Medicine will be held.
Recruitment of members and officers has started. For details, please refer to the Membership Guide.
WONM and IHNMA conducted relief activities for the Great East Japan Earthquake.
WONM and IHNMA organizations are responding to the Chinese bird flu.
The name was changed for incorporation. The Science Council of Japan, an organization of the World Natural Medicine Association, became the presiding body of JIHNMA's Japanese Society of Natural Medicine.
We have changed our name and organization from Non-Profit Organization NgoICSA to Non-Profit Organization World Congress of Natural Medicine Organization Japan since November 1, 2013.
We will open a department of Natural Medicine (Doctor of Natural Medicine course and other courses) at ICSA Community University from 2016.
January 22, 2014 The Council was posted on LinkedIn.
April 1, 2014 JIHNMA Overseas Committee has been established.
August 1, 2014 Natural Medicine courses will be held from August 1, 2014.
October 4, 2014 (Sat) "Natural Medicine Seminar" will be held at 2:00 p.m. on the 3rd floor of LaLaport (Citizen's Activity Center) in Ikoma City.
April 4, 2015 (Sat) "Natural Medicine Seminar" at 2:00 p.m. on the 3rd floor of LaLaport (Citizen's Activity Center), Ikoma City
May 2015: Japan Naturopathic Medicine Society
Organization changed to Japan Naturopathic Medicine Society
The paper submitted to Open Journal (UK) was evaluated as excellent.
The first (2016) Natural Health Practitioner (NHP) lectures and home study will be held twice a month on Saturday afternoons from April to September at LaLaport (Citizen's Activity Center) 3F, Ikoma City. The course will be held twice a month on Saturday afternoons from April to September. The course will be held twice a month on Saturday afternoons from April to September at Ikoma City's Lalaport (Civic Activity Center) 3F, and students who complete the course will be eligible to take the exam and those who pass the exam will be issued a certificate.
The 3rd World Congress of Natural Medicine, July 2016. http://icnmnaturopathy.eu/
Title: About overall meal absorption of cancer restraint substances.
Open Journal (UK): Title: Solution method of the atopic whole body symptom.
In collaboration with Open Journal (UK)
Request for full-time researcher
In October 2017, we joined (merged) with International Career Support Association, a UN NGO, for internationalization.
April 2018, we joined forces with Japan Consultant Co., Ltd. for consulting to support natural medicine practice.
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Domestic Contact point
United Nations NGO (United Nations Special Consultative Status Association ICSA&JNMS)
(Non-profit General Incorporated Association)
International Career Support Association (ICSA)
Japanese Natural & Naturopathic Medicine Society(JNMS)
●JAPAN 2-1-1, Edobori, Nishi-ku, Osaka-City
●JAPAN 476-14-204, Hiedacho, Yamatokoriyama-shi, Nara
●JAPAN 4-23-401, Higashishinmachi, Ikoma-shi, Nara
●JAPAN Sapporo-shi, Hokkaido
●JAPAN Kawaguchi-shi, Saitama
●JAPAN Urasoe-shi Okinawa
Overseas Contact point
China Shanghai City
Switzerland Geneva City
USA Portland City
India Mumbai City
World Organization Natural Medicine University Asia Contact point
●China ● Taiwan ● Malaysia ● Singapore ● USA ●Canada
TEL.: 090-9622-4321
Mail: icsa@rapid.ocn.ne.jp